We help our clients design organizations that leverage strengths and overcome challenges, enabling successful business execution.
Many business strategies are never realized because the organization simply can’t convert the strategy into reality. We partner with you to assess the current organization, and how well it is positioned to execute the business strategy, vision and values. The thoughtful process of aligning key areas can reduce wasted time, eliminate unnecessary costs, improve performance and enable the business to reach its performance potential. We help you achieve:

Every system is perfectly designed to get the result that it does.
Edwards Deming

Decreased time spent problem solving
Engaged Workforce
Organization Design
Configuring for successful business execution
Change Management
Ensure 100% change initiatives are successful
Decreased operating costs
Improved Processes
Organization Assessment
We partner with leaders to assess and thoroughly understand the current state of the organization, its biggest challenges, your vision for the future and define systematic improvement areas. Our cross-functional expertise enables us to identify options that will increase business performance and generate results.
Transformational Change
Your investment in organizational change can be significant, however, research shows that many change efforts fail despite this investment. We help you develop an integrated approach to change management that enables you to anticipate, plan, evaluate risks and gauge your firm’s readiness for change. Our goal is to accelerate the transformation process and ensure that changes become a part of your organizational DNA.
Culture & Employee Engagement
A recent Gallup poll of employees indicated that a record 47% believe now is a good time to find a quality job. Cadence works with you to optimize existing practices and design new processes that help align core values, beliefs and behaviors in a way that energizes your workforce.
Organization Systems Design
After understanding the current state of your organization, we work with your team to configure operational practices to your strategic vison and identify design choices that will optimize and strengthen by creating organization systems that support your business strategy and boost bottom line results.
Lateral Processes
People Practices
Rewards Systems

We use a proven process that begins with understanding the current state of the organization. With this insight, we help your team to visualize the future and how you want that future to take shape. Finally, we methodically analyze and strategize areas of design and deployment that will have the greatest impact. Change management, communications and planning are essential throughout this process.

As many as 70% of change initiatives fail.
John P. Kotter, Leading Change,
(Harvard Business School Press, 1996)

U.S. employees are 33% engaged vs. World’s Best Organizations at 70%.
88% executives rated organizing for the future as their most important challenge.
Deloitte, 2017 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends Report